IDR 630,000


Love at first sight! Meet Eden Flats with fresh-water pearls and beadworks arrangement that you'll never see in other.


- Vegan leather with PVC

- Fresh-water pearls, synthetic crystals and synthetic pearls are handsewn on the leather.

Semua size yang dipesan adalah size yang PASTI dan TIDAK DAPAT DITUKAR. Mohon pastikan terlebih dahulu semua size yang dipesan sudah sesuai.

Jika tipe kaki anda merupakan kaki lebar di bagian depan disarankan untuk memilih satu size lebih besar dari biasanya. 

Sizing Measurement:

36: 22.5 cm - 23 cm

37: 23 cm - 23.5 cm

38: 23.5 cm - 24 cm

39: 24 cm - 24.5 cm

40: 24.5 cm - 25 cm

41: 25 cm - 25.5 cm

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Maksimal komplain 3 hari setelah barang diterima.


  • Dry-dust vegan leather with a soft cloth.
  • Wipe the leather down thoroughly to remove any loose dust or dirt.
  • Using the cloth, blot and wipe the dirt or stains on the vegan leather.
  • Rinse the leather with a damp rag to remove any soapy residue.
  • Buff with a dry cloth until fully dry.
  • Dry- Clean is strongly suggested for shoes with accessories, due to delicate details we use for each product.

80% Vegan Leather with PVC; 10% fresh-water pearls; 10% Synthetic Materials